"God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength but with your testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Consider: If God will not let you be tested beyond your strength, what implications does this have on your life as it now stands? You are enduring, correct? How well are you doing so? Could it be that you are currently at the apex of your strength? Could it be that all you have you need? What if something was taken from you? What then? What a contrary way to view blessings! Instead of being a credit to us--something earned--they may be a debit. Hidden in the text is a latent suggestion that some of the consolations you currently have may be necessary for your endurance.
What creatures, if they were removed from you, would break you? What balms, if they dried up, would leave you cracked and frail? Oh, the mixed nature of crutches and splints! They help you to walk--and how great it is to walk--and yet they confirm your disability.
Note: You are provided "the way," not "a way" or "ways." We see the err in holding too tight to God's various and wonderful gifts. We are not given this person, that career, these talents, in order to endure. They are to be enjoyed and to inspire appreciation. They are not to be used as salves because they are not salvific.
To enjoy our blessings but not use them to prop us up. I love how you squeeze so much out of one quote, one idea.